Our Difference

The Skuse Graham Difference

We’re criminal lawyers serving the Darling Downs and we like to approach criminal law differently.

Here’s the Skuse Graham difference.

Gavel hitting a book with Australian flag in background.
Lawyer and client having a consultation with a scales of justice in front of them on table.

Criminal Law Is All We Do

We’re very knowledgeable, highly experienced criminal lawyers and criminal law is all we do. We don’t dabble across multiple disciplines, we hone in on criminal law, because it’s our passion and we want to offer next-level expertise in this space.

We’re local lawyers with local knowledge

There’s a big benefit to having worked in the Courts across Dalby, Warwick and Toowoomba. We have positive relationships with key figures across these Courts and have an intimate understanding of their specific processes.
Skuse Graham Criminal Lawyer team photo on lounge in office.
Three Skuse Graham Lawyer team members collaborating.

We help you understand the process

Our lawyers want to mitigate stress and confusion by helping you understand the process. To do this, we break complex legal processes down and cut out all the legal jargon. We’ll take you through it in simple, easy to understand language.

We care about our clients

We genuinely care about our clients and the outcomes we attain for you. Our care for our clients is what drives our passion for criminal law and motivates us to work hard to achieve positive outcomes for you.
Two clients in business attire smiling and shaking hands.
Geographical map of Australia with two red passport booklets on it.

We have the capacity to cover a large geographical area

We have the lawyers on deck to be able to travel so we can support you. With a strong understanding of criminal law in regional areas, we’re in an excellent position to travel across Queensland and Northern NSW.

Why choose Skuse Graham?

Around the clock support

Criminal defence matters don’t wait for business hours. We have lawyers on call for you 24/7, so there’s always someone ready to help.

Fixed Fees & Funding

We believe legal representation should be accessible. So, we provide fixed fee quotes and support clients seeking Legal Aid funding.

Seriously experienced lawyers

Our lawyers have worked in criminal defence since 1987 and have succeeded in a number of high profile cases.

Transparent advice

You need lawyers you can trust to deliver straightforward, honest advice. We’re transparent with you, even when it’s hard.

Speak with a
criminal lawyer.

We’re here to support you when you need it.

Or call us on 07 4580 1458